

Talk with candidates instantly through your computer, laptop, or any device — no phones or phone lines required.

Your Mission: Strike while the iron is hot and engage candidates as they are thinking about their career —now.

Our Mission: Facilitate secure and instant communication through innovative tools.

The most valuable cleared candidates are here today, gone tomorrow. If you don’t engage when a candidate is active and thinking about their career, chances are your competitors will.

With Voice, you talk to logged-in cleared professionals in real time – right from your web browser. There’s nothing to install, no plugins to allow, and no apps to download. Just point and click to initiate a call. With ClearanceJobs Voice, candidate engagement has never been easier or more timely.


Gain Trust

Candidates are unlikely to answer phone calls from an unidentified source, but when you call using Voice, they know exactly who you are, which company you represent, and why you’re calling.


Focus Efforts

Direct your attention to candidates who are actively seeking jobs now – reach them in real time. No more waiting for them to call you back.


One Click

Simply point and click to initiate a Voice call – from search results, from a candidate’s profile, or from your Favorites.

Learn more about how VOICE works by visiting our Support site.