Expressed Interest

Expressed Interest

Recruiting: streamlined. Cleared candidates can now show interest in any position - instantly.

Your Mission: Find and connect with passive candidates to fill open positions or add to pipelines.

Our Mission: Allow passive candidates to easily show interest in a position - without the commitment of filling out tedious forms.

Passive candidates now have a simple way to dip their toe into the sea of new opportunities, rather than diving in head first. Expressed Interest allows a candidate to raise their hand to show potential interest - all with a simple click of a button.

FACT: 91% of employed cleared candidates are passively interested in new opportunities.

FACT: According to one of the industry's leading recruitment data providers, the candidate drop-off rate for people who click 'Apply' but never complete an application thru an employer's ATS is 92%. **

Looking for elusive passive candidates? Join the ClearanceJobs community and put Expressed Interest to work for you company today.
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Expressed Interest is not only a streamlined way for candidates to raise their hand to show interest, it is also a fully integrated feature that can be combined with other tools in your ClearanceJobs toolkit.

Bulk actions allow you to send a Broadcast Message or add Tags to those who have expressed interest. Candidate searches can be executed with the Expressed Interest filter combined with other search functions. But the cherry on top of it all? Workflows can also be created from candidates who have expressed interest - making these combined tools the most powerful in cleared recruiting.



Don't take our word for it - see how companies are integrating Expressed Interest into their recruiting strategy:

Learn more about how EXPRESSED INTEREST works by visiting our support site.
Expressed Interest