

Feeling overworked? Not enough hours in the day? Get excited, because your dreams are about to come true. ClearanceJobs introduces Workflow – the most important recruiting invention since the classifieds.

Your Mission: Quickly identify and categorize relevant candidates to connect and engage with.

Our Mission: Automate that process for you, saving you mega time.

Embrace your inner recruiting rock star with ClearanceJobs Workflow. Workflow is ridiculously powerful recruitment process and marketing automation. It works on the “If/Then” principle – IF you do [this], THEN [this] will happen. Quickly and easily set up custom routines that scope out ideal candidates, scan for candidate activity, alert you to progress, and act on your behalf.

Is it hyperbole to say that this may be the best human invention since sliced bread? Maybe. But we promise you, Workflows will become your trusted assistant on ClearanceJobs.  

Looking to gain back valuable time? Take advantage of completely customizable recruiting automation with ClearanceJobs.
Contact Sales
Time Saver

Time Saver

Set up your workflows and let them do the work for you. Activate up to ten workflows at a time, and incorporate Tags for extra efficiency.



Using state-of-the-art automation, you only need to decide once who to target, and what action you want to take, then sit back and let ClearanceJobs do the rest.


Relevant Candidates

Our IntelliSearch engine is built into Workflows, so you can match by job description to ensure you’re reaching the most relevant new candidates.

Learn more about WORKFLOW by visiting our Support site.