

Uncover top candidates using our proprietary IntelliSearch™ technology, Boolean, or for best results, a combination of both.

Your Mission: Find hidden cleared talent before your competitors do.

Our Mission: Make candidate searches fast, easy, and intelligent, so you spend time recruiting, not wordsmithing.

Uncover top candidates using our proprietary IntelliSearch technology, Boolean, or for best results, a combination of both. Easily tab between current and saved resume searches in a single-page window and never lose sight of which resume search you’re running. Built-in drop-down filters allow for precise and fast candidate targeting. IntelliSearch leverages AI and machine learning to reveal the best candidates that match your job descriptions or ideal candidate resumes. You can take your search to the next level by utilizing Tags.

IntelliSearch allows us to bring on a new recruiter and have them hit the ground running. They’re able to take the work that we’ve built through the job description, plug it into ClearanceJobs and find candidates right away. For new recruiters, ClearanceJobs has allowed our employees to have an impact on day one. Maria Whitney, Recruiting Manager | Read more about Maria’s success.
Are you ready to experience the power of IntelliSearch? Give yourself the recruiting edge, and find those purple squirrels before your competitors.
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New search filters quickly target only the most relevant candidates



Move between current and saved searches without taxing page loads.



Copy and paste your job description or ideal resume and let IntelliSearch do the heavy lifting.

Learn more about how IntelliSearch works by visiting our support site.